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Moving Mindfulness: Qigong with Natalie
About this event
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The Joys and Challenges of Aging
and Sages of All Ages
You are invited to attend a wonderful class in Qigong with Natalie Goldfein. Qigong (chee-gong) is an ancient (made modern) health and wellness practice both simple and profound, energizing and calming. This mind body practice will center, stretch, invigorate and empower you. The practice utilizes gentle movements, breath work, and self massage to enhance the Qi (life force) that is within and all around us. These exercises can be done sitting or standing.
About the Instructor:
Natalie has been a QiGong teacher since 2011 and works with in-person groups as well as Zoom classes. She has worked with the Crate and Barrel Corporate HQ, Butler Rubin Law, Growing Home Inc., and many camps throughout the country. She continues to teach a free class that began during the pandemic under the auspices of Jewish Live. This class continues to meet every Monday at 9:00 am.
Village-Run Event
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